Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pick your UNpoison, AKA Always Wear a Condiment

I DID NOT FORGET MY WEIGH IN! I promise, I will post the results tomorrow. I did my weigh in and then later noticed that my scale was not zeroed properly, so I want to reweigh tomorrow before I post! 

 Condiment, condiment and condiment my friends. You must pick a low/no calorie condiment that is an easy GO TO for flavor. We ALL love ranch dressing and mayonnaise, but they just aren't good for us and frankly, the low fat/Low calorie versions are revolting! But we NEED flavor...I would never ask you to give up the YUM factor in your food. I love eating too much! I will share with you a few of my easy no/low cal condiments: 

 VINEGAR! I love ALL kinds of vinegar. I eat cucumber slices with red wine vinegar and salt in place of fattening chips. I use balsamic vinegar for the same thing sometimes, or drizzled over tomatoes and low fat ricotta cheese for a delicious protein rich side dish. I even sometimes use it as a substitute for salad dressing. If I am indulging in whole wheat bread, it is delicious as a dipping sauce instead of butter! 

 HOT SAUCE/SALSA! I use hot sauce or salsa over scrambled eggs made from egg substitute w one whole egg - and sometimes wrap it in a whole wheat low carb tortilla for breakfast. I use it in bean dished for flavor instead of cheese. I add it to sandwiches, salad dressings, over the top of boneless skinless chicken breasts. And don't forget all of the variations available - find one YOU love. There are sauces ranging from MILK to BLOW YOUR DRAWERS OUT HOT! Some are thick, some thin...some chunky, some smooth. I keep a variety on hand. 

PICKLES/JALAPENOS/PEPPERONCINIS! I love tuna salads and egg salads, but typically they are loaded with calories from mayonnaise and there are just no good substitutes on the market. BUT - what you CAN do to cut back on calories is use LESS mayo - and add some flavor and bulk in with some healthy additions. If weight loss is not a concern and you are just trying to eat healthy - add some mashed avocado in place of part of the mayo. Or some chopped black olives! If calories ARE a concern (as they are for me), add tons of chopped celery, onion, bell peppers and FLAVOR PACKED dill pickles, pepperoncinis and spicy jarred jalapenos! I sometimes use jalapenos pickled in a jar, I OFTEN use canned jalapenos pickled with carrot slices for Mexican dishes and I enjoy FRESH jalapenos sliced thin and blistered in a touch of coconut oil in a hot pan. 

 PESTO! Ok, so pesto isn't THE lowest calorie condiment around, but when you make it fresh you can control what goes in it and get a LOT of flavor into a small portion of it. My favorite way to make it is to pop open my food processor and add in a few hand fulls of shelled walnuts, an entire bunch of CILANTRO (Yes, cilantro - it is AMAZING!), and some fresh garlic. I start the processor and drizzle in olive oil JUST until the pesto is well blended. I use JUST A TABLESPOON on top of roasted chicken dishes or vegetables. I have used it over low fat cream cheese stuffed mini bell peppers roasted in the oven. GET CREATIVE! Portion size is key because this condiment DOES have a lot of calories, but when you make it at home the calories all come from HEALTHY fats (Nuts and olive oil), so in moderation you can ENJOY! 

 Do YOU have some ideas to add to the list? Email me at and I will add them!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I ATE ICE CREAM! Well, Not Really.

I am in love.  If you have never tried this and you are super skeptical, good.  I challenge you to try it ONCE.

Faux Banana Ice Cream


I always have spare ripe bananas around - I have kids.  Sometimes they love the bananas, and sometimes they let them sit and refuse to eat them.  Sometimes, I just buy too much for my unpredictable clan.  Also, I often use just half a banana in oatmeal or cereal and I don't want the additional calories of the other half of a banana when I don't really WANT it.  SO - I started a freezer bad for bananas.  I use my over ripe bananas sometimes for my banana carrot walnut whole wheat ginger muffins, but when I don't feel like baking or have time for baking or already have muffins frozen, I take my bananas and break them in half or quarters and throw them in a freezer bag in the freezer.  If I use just half of a banana - pop into the bag.

Eventually, I end up with a nice collection of frozen bananas in a bag.

THIS IS SO EASY - take those frozen bananas and toss them in a food processor or blender.  Use a dribble of milk or some plain yogurt to get them moving in there.  BE PATIENT - they will take a while to blenderize.  Keep opening, stirring/moving them until they get smooth.  If you add too much milk you will get a more soft serve ice cream, but it will still be DELICIOUS!

Now, taste.  It is amazing, no?  CREAMY and sweet - and so cold and tasty.  It is JUST like ice cream!  Now, if it isn't quite sweet enough for you, add a little honey or sugar or splenda.  Whatever you like.  Or try adding some chocolate protein powder or chopped walnuts or cinnamon...whatever floats your boat!

This is a super tasty indulgent HEALTHY treat that you can enjoy alone, or with your family.  GUILT FREE!

Week 8 - I ate and ate... 8(

Sad to once again report that I lost not ONE pound this week, but it hardly surprises me considering I didn't really try.  I mean, I got a grilled chicken chili lime wrap at McDonalds instead of a quarter pounder, but that's not exactly healthy eating.

The GOOD news is, I woke up this morning FINALLY feeling reinvigorated and excited about my health journey.  For some reason, my motivation had been flagging, but after this mornings weigh in at 186 I realized...I MISS feeling good.  I miss my healthy foods!  I miss trying new, wholesome recipes.  Why am I being lazy?  I like being lazy LESS - so, it isn't a REWARD.  It is a punishment.

So, this morning I had a bowl of healthy cereal for breakfast, and for lunch I had a super big delicious salad and I have chicken breasts defrosting in the fridge.  I am about to go look for a new recipe to try tonight!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wait...its Wednesday?!?

Well, the gluttony now must end.  The holiday is in the past and the leftovers are running out.
I stepped on the scale today quite pleased that by some Easter miracle, I am still 185 lbs.
Oh, happy hamday.
So, now with a renewed sense of purpose and fruit salad-less fridge the attack on my unhealthy eating habits recommences!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy Easter Healthies!

Sorry I am a day late!  Partly because I have nothing positive to report from the scale - I gained a pound.  But also partly because I have been insanely busy. 

My son recently changed schools and his new school just had a performance night and is currently on spring break.  So, the corndogs and hot pockets have been flying.

I have still been eating healthier than I would have before starting this journey, but I am guessing that the sodium and stress are showing on the scale.

After Easter, things should calm back down so I can recommit!

I have also been directing a lot of energy to my Maple Marmalade Boutique business, which can sometimes cause me to skip meals or have to eat something on the fly.

Happy Easter everyone!!!  See you on the other side!!!

PS that picture is of an amazing Indina dish using ground turkey and an eggplant dish!  I will post the recipes after the break!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Better Than a #!!!

THESE are size 12 jeans that I bought and never could wear.  I put them in the donate bag about 6 months ago.

I saw them out in the garage when I was spring cleaning.  And...lookit me now!

I had to take pics everywhere.  They are almost baggy!!!

Better than a # on the scale!!!

A day in the Life

So, maybe some of you are wondering what I might eat in a typical day.  I have posted lots of tips and recipes, but no real meal plans.

I took some pictures of my food over the last few days to show you what a typical day might look like.  Remember, in life there are probably just as many atypical days as typical ones!  But this gives you an idea of how and what I eat.


My breakfast is pretty well set.   I usually take one real egg and scramble it with egg substitute salt and pepper.  It makes enough for about 3 servings, so I use a Tupperware for the rest in the fridge.  I then eat it on a warmed whole wheat low carb tortilla PILED with fresh deli salsa.  Alternately if I am in a rush I may have a whole wheat double fiber English muffin with cream cheese and chia seeds.  On a weekend I may use my egg poacher to poach egg substitute, add a THIN slice of deli cheese and some turkey bacon or turkey sausage on a whole wheat double fiber english muffin that has been toasted for a breakfast sandwich.  If I am ever still hungry I add a piece of fruit or a low calor Greek yogurt.

I always have a coffee in some form.  I recently switched to using Agave in the Raw sweetener in it.


Lunch is pretty standardized as well, unless we have healthy dinner left overs.  I either make a sandwich wrap with lunch meat and veggies on a whole wheat low carb tortilla or a tuna salad wrap or a salad.  I make my tuna salad with a smaller amount of real mayo, as I cant stand the light version.  I add onion, celery, pepperoncinnis, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper, and whatever else I have....bell peppers, jalapeno...whatever sounds good.   I lay down a piece of romaine lettuce and put some of the mix on top and add cherry tomatoes or carrot shreds etc.  If I am having salad I incorporate a protein like hard boiled egg or lunch meat or cottage cheese or walnuts and use a vinegar based dressing.


For dinner I usually aim for a lean protein like chicken or fish paired with a TON of veggies and sometimes a grain like quinoa.  I like to have what I think of as one freebie food.  That is a food with little to no calories like steamed or sauteed asparagas, spinach, zucchini or broccoli that I can eat in unlimited quantities.  This way I KNOW ahead of time that I WILL be able to get full, so it keeps me from over eating the other elements.   I can keep a reasonable portion size for my meat and grains, knowing that I will not have tp leave the table still hungry.   If I am having an extra lean protein like boneless skinless chicken breasts it gives me more leway to have a grain or starch or add some cheese to the veggies etc.  If I am having a more calorie dense main dish like beef or pork, I keep the side dishes lighter like two kinds of steamed veggies. I just TRY to keep it balanced.  I often cut up some fruit to accompany it for the kids and eat a small portion myself.


I almost always have a snack or two during the day and one is usually fruit or yogurt.  The other one is usually in the evening when I want a "desert".  I may have a "healthy" cereal like Kashi or a toasted whole wheat english muffinwith peanutbutter and honey or banana.  I may have a Jello 100 calorie tapioca.  Generally it includes some type of whole grain and proteine if I can manage it because that is what I happen to crave.  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Week Seven - Kind of a Lemon

I have been lazy.  I have been fudging more and more on my good eating.  I have still been eating WAY more veggies and more fruit and less bad fats, so that is all good.   But I have let the little indulgences add up. 

Did you know there are hazelnut mocha K cups for the Keuring?  At 80 calories each...sigh

So, when I weighed in this week, my weight is the same.  No losses to report.

Maybe my body just needed a rest.  Maybe it was my inattention to the details of what I was stuffing in my face. Either way, lesson learned.

Time to re find my motivation!  Tomorrow I paint, Friday I bust my buns at the gym!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Pasta Zero - Yup, a Zero.

Ugh.   So, I spotted this in my local grocery store and was instantly excited.  Low carb diet friendly fresh pasta?!? Yes ma'am!

I ran around the produce department loading my cart with fresh veggies and tofu for a noodley stir fry.

I made the stir fry and par boiled the pasta zero as per the instructions.  I drained them and then...I made my first mistake.   I tried the pasta naked and sauceless.  I was curious.

The flavor wasn't bad.  It didnt have much flavor at all, and I was ok with that.  I was using tofu after all, so I was ok with the idea of a blank slate.

The texture.  They are almost pasta like.  Except more jellyfish like.  Or soft, thick ear cartilage like. Nom nom am I right?

I could NOT get past the texture.  It is chewier in a strange crisp fibrous way.

Oddly, the pickiers eaters  in my house didn't mind it at all.  They ate it and didnt even notice it wasn't normal pasta.  That being said I definitely think it works better in a stir fry with crisp veggies to hide behind than it would with just pasta sauce.

So, it is a no go for me.  Back to trying to develop a healthy vegetable infused pasta recipe with my kitchenaid as soon as I order my pasta attachment!

Fun Family Outing - The Zoo!

Need a fun way to get some walking in?  Take your kiddos to the zoo!  They will have fun and you will be teaching them to get out and be active.  As an added bonus you will be burning calories like crazy chasing them around!!!

Tip:  Pack a lunch or snacks as Zoo food is typically over priced, over processed and full of temptation!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week Six- Taking a Risk!

Here we are, over the month and a half mark!

I am sorry I am late in posting this blog as generally I post in the mornings on wednesday, but after a long few days of rain today we finally had BEAUTIFUL SUN SHINEY WEATHER HERE! 

Which meant that I had to go DO furniture deliveries, had people coming to pick UP furniture AND ...went and bought some bikes for the family!

So I spent almost the whole day in the car, but for a good cause.  I am envisioning being able to ride my bike to work once a week and outings with the little ones for bike trail picnics at the park. 

Hopefully they will be as fun as I remember them being growing up!  Although, so far I have managed to ride mine all of 2.5 feet and have a giant bruise and my chain fell off the gears.  Not the best start.  But, I will persevere!

Speaking of not the best, weekly weigh in time.

Weight:  184.  

So far I have lost 11 lbs in 6 weeks.   Almost 2 lbs/wk average!  Right on track. (Over 23 lbs lighter than when I got pregnant with my daughter!)

Down ONE pound this week.  Which isn't slam bam amazing, but also doesn't exactly suck either.  I am patient.  As long as the number is going in the right direction I am not going to complain.  I have been getting so many compliments and my rings and clothing are really starting to have that "these aren't my clothers/rings, they are the wrong size" feel and I am loving that.

I am also feeling better over all, even though it has been a rough few weeks dealing with issues with my son's school and family stress etc.

So, wish me happy trails and I will try to post some more goodies tomorrow!  I will be out sweatin my buns off, literally, painting!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tough One -You MUST Eat Your Chocolate!!!

CHOCOLATE!  Finally, I get to write about one of my great loves that is NOT denied to me!

Dark chocolate has HEALTH BENEFITS!  New research shows that it improves cardiovascular function and can even BOOST insulin sensitivity! (A key component of  Type 2 Diabetes is the body's desensitization to insulin).  So, eat more chocolate to beat Diabetes?  Maybe, if you choose the right kind in the RIGHT PORTION SIZES.

I LOVE my Ghirardelli  Intense Dark Twilight Delight 72% CaCaao chocolate.  And you can buy it, in bulk (chortle!) on Amazon!


I have tried other brands and higher Cacao contents and I just cannot eat, let alone enjoy them.  This is a good compromise for someone who wants the health benefits of dark chocolate but enjoys a sweeter less bitter experience.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Yummy Addictive Snack Alert!

Ok, aside from my  cucumber, red wine vinegar and salt addiction and my recently discovered love of thin sliced raw beets...I am HIGHLY skeptical when someone says a raw plain vegetable is a "tasty" or satisfying snack.

But these...ARE.

I was going to take a picture of this bag when it was fuller, but I eated them.

Seriously I washed them, chopped off the top and ate them one sweet crunchy pepper at a time.


Week 5 - Stayin Alive!

Its been crazy times, my friends!!!

I've had insane work obligations, struggles with my son's filthy negligent pure evil school and I have been going BONKERS on furniture (see previous post about getting an active hobby).

Through it all I have struggled, but managed to keep my eating mostly ok track.  I have NOT gotten in gym time, but I have logged many many sweaty painting sanding waxing back breaking hours of physical labor, so I am ok with that.


Down 2 lbs!!!

I am 185.  Its an amazing moment when your actual weight matches the weight on your drivers license.  Am I right ladies???

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Coconut Oil? HUH?

I had NEVER heard of such a thing!  But when I read how BAD hydrogenated vegetable oils are for you, I decided to give it a go.
I switched from margerine to butter and vegetable oil to cocount.
When I opened the jar it smelled ever so mildly of cococunt.  So far I have used to to cook scrambled eggs, zucchini and salmon burgers.  It has virtually no flavor and browns food nicely!
It is pricey.  This jar was about $6.50.  But, since I am not eating much fat nowadays, I can splurge on the fats I do eat!
It is solid with a consistency much like butter or shortening, and it dissolves easily into a liquid when heated.  It requires no refrigeration and should be stored in a cool dark place.
So far, I am a fan!

Want more info on vegetable oils?  Click he re you doubting Mustafa! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Yummy Burgers for Summer!

Fiending for a delicious burger?  Me too!

Guess what I found at my local Costco?  Salmon burgers!  These are low in calories and full of healthy omega fatty acids and such.  And...delicious.

I cook them on my indoor grill or in a pan with a smidge of coconut oil.

I add salt and lemon pepper and squeeze lemon over the top.  If I am eating them on a whole wheat bun (I usually do so open face) I make my own "tartar sauce" with a LITTLE mayo and a ton of chopped onions and relish and lemon juice and or vinegar and minced a little goes a long way and adds some crunch.

Top with sprouts and pickles, tomatoes and onions or arugala...whatever you like!  Or eat them plain with lots of lemon.  They are an actual salmon patty...not chopped bits with bread and filler.  So yummy!

Missing Potato Chips? DON'T!

I was needing a salty vinegary fix...I was missing my favorite salt and vinegar chips.
Desperately searching for a solution, I came up with cucumber chips (kale chips are also good but I had no kale on hand).
Simply slice a cucumber thin, sprinkle it with red wine vinegar and add salt liberally then GO TO TOWN guilt free!
I think I and ate like three cucumbers.  Also- you can make this at ANY salad bar or ask for it in almost any restaurant!
I added pepper to the ones in the picture, but I think I prefer it simple with just salt.  Try adding dill or?!?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week Four - Out the Door!!!

Ah well, it was bound to happen.  Considering I attended two kids birthday parties this week and ate my way theough St Paddy's day corned beef...and through coincidence didn't get to the gym despite my best efforts...I didn't lose any weight.  On the flip side, I didn't gain any either!

Don't worry folks, I am still on board.  Its not even a bad idea to plateau ever now and then to give your body a rest.

I still feel good...and here's looking forward to next weeks results!

Weight: 187

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Big Bold Breakfast! Start your day right.

I LOVE BREAKFAST!  Do NOT try to tell me to eat wheata shreds or crappy crisps with nonfat milk.  I won't do it!

I LOVE BREAKFAST!  And it sets your up for a great rest of the day.

When I am short on time, I have a whole wheat double fiber english muffin, toasted with a bit of cream cheese or peanutbutter and a sprinkle of chia seeds.  If time allows, I add a yoplait light yogurt.

When I have a spare few minutes, I make a delicious breakfast burrito as pictured above.  I use one regular egg and scramble it with some egg substitute and a splash of milk.  I cook it using just nonstick spray.  I use a La Tortilla factory whole wheat low carb soft taco sized tortilla and a ton of salsa.  That is the simple version!  For the extra indulgent burrito pictured here, I sauteed some lunch meat ham and red onions first, then also added a pickled jalapeno sliced.  They are SO full of flavor for practically ZERO calories!  SO MUCH TASTE!

This burrito is UNDER 300 CALORIES!  And it will fill you up.  As an added bonus, spicy foods are supposed to amp up your metabolism!  WOOT!  WINNING!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Guilt Free Summer Treat!

If you are trying to watch you calories during Summer, you definitely face some challenges.  Think gooey ice cream sandwiches, sugary sweet iced tea and loads of macaroni salad!  But there are also a wealth of HEALTHY advantages that summer provides.

Grilling is such an easy and delicious way to cook both proteines and vegetables in a tasty and yet healthy way!  Grilled chicken, shishkebabas, zucchini,  portabello mushrooms...I could go on all day!  Turkey burgers, salmon burgers, salmon...teriyaki glazed or with a little bbq mouth is already watering!

Add to that the plethora of in season fruits and vegetables at their prime, and summer time is GOOD EATS time!

But, you can still miss those cold sweet treats.

Give these ideas a try!

Check out fudgesicles.  Even the standard sugar varieties tend to be relatively low calorie compared to ice cream or even juice bars.

Freeze your OWN juice bars...with low sugar juices or with water added.   Add bits of fresh summer fruit or fresh chopped mint!

If you need a GUILT FREE TREAT try a NO calorie version of a snow cone.  I take crushed ice from my freezer (you may have to buy crushed ice or buy an ice crusher if your fridge doesn't have one).  I squirt on a healthy dose of Strawberry Watermellon Miio.   Viola!  Delicious and totally guilt free.

You are welcome!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Week Three to a Healthier Me!

I did my weekly weigh in this morning, and I am down to 187!  Two more pounds gone! 

If I keep this pace, I will be in the 170s by mid April!

Feeling pretty good.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Momentous Occasion!

Only my fellow fatties will understand the joy of this.   Realize that I only thought to film this after doing it for about 20 minutes, so my finger actually swelled a little.   Obsess much?  Yes.   I have to take my joy and encouragment where I can find it.

This is my old ring that I thought I would have to have sized up if I ever wanted to wear it again because it barely fit at all.  Now, it almost falls off.   I will have to size it down if I ever want to wear it again!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Nom Nom Yummy Kale!

Get your nosh on!
One way I make sure I GET full and STAY full at meals is hy having at least one tasty almost guilt free item that I can eat my fill of.  My son loves Kale Chips, and I will post about those next time I make them, but here I have for you MY favorite way to enjoy kale.

Tomatoe Garlic Kale

You will need:
Kale (A big bag or a few bunches)
A few pieces of turkey bacon
Boullion or Better then Boullion or Stock
Can of Tomatoes
Red Onion

Chop up a few pieces of turkey bacon and brown them in a pot.
Once they are browned add a can of diced tomatoes, a can of water and a couple ofntsp of better than boullion or replace the can of water with a cup or two of chicken broth.  Add chopped garlic to taste.
Add a full bag of kale.  If you are using bunched kale, rinse it, remove large ribs and chop it before adding.  Cover it and simmer at least 25 min.
Serve and ENJOY!

Friday, March 7, 2014


The key to staying active is to not make it ALL feel like WORK.  Find something that you honestly ENJOY that keeps you moving.

Have you tried:

Fun Runs
Dance Class
Volunteering - Habitat for Humanities etc
White Water Rafting
Dancing in your room

ANYTHING that gets you moving is GOOD!

Pick a night to go to the club with your friends and break a sweat on the dance floor!  Just make smart beverage choices (Rum and diet coke? or Stick with water!)

Here is what I enjoy:


If you want to see more, check out my web site:

Maple Marmalade Boutique

I SWEAT MY BUNS OFF sanding, stirring, painting, waxing and buffing as well as hauling heavy furniture around.  I really, really LOVE it...and it gets me moving!

Find YOUR joy!