Monday, April 7, 2014

Pasta Zero - Yup, a Zero.

Ugh.   So, I spotted this in my local grocery store and was instantly excited.  Low carb diet friendly fresh pasta?!? Yes ma'am!

I ran around the produce department loading my cart with fresh veggies and tofu for a noodley stir fry.

I made the stir fry and par boiled the pasta zero as per the instructions.  I drained them and then...I made my first mistake.   I tried the pasta naked and sauceless.  I was curious.

The flavor wasn't bad.  It didnt have much flavor at all, and I was ok with that.  I was using tofu after all, so I was ok with the idea of a blank slate.

The texture.  They are almost pasta like.  Except more jellyfish like.  Or soft, thick ear cartilage like. Nom nom am I right?

I could NOT get past the texture.  It is chewier in a strange crisp fibrous way.

Oddly, the pickiers eaters  in my house didn't mind it at all.  They ate it and didnt even notice it wasn't normal pasta.  That being said I definitely think it works better in a stir fry with crisp veggies to hide behind than it would with just pasta sauce.

So, it is a no go for me.  Back to trying to develop a healthy vegetable infused pasta recipe with my kitchenaid as soon as I order my pasta attachment!

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