Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Week 8 - I ate and ate... 8(

Sad to once again report that I lost not ONE pound this week, but it hardly surprises me considering I didn't really try.  I mean, I got a grilled chicken chili lime wrap at McDonalds instead of a quarter pounder, but that's not exactly healthy eating.

The GOOD news is, I woke up this morning FINALLY feeling reinvigorated and excited about my health journey.  For some reason, my motivation had been flagging, but after this mornings weigh in at 186 I realized...I MISS feeling good.  I miss my healthy foods!  I miss trying new, wholesome recipes.  Why am I being lazy?  I like being lazy LESS - so, it isn't a REWARD.  It is a punishment.

So, this morning I had a bowl of healthy cereal for breakfast, and for lunch I had a super big delicious salad and I have chicken breasts defrosting in the fridge.  I am about to go look for a new recipe to try tonight!


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