Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week Six- Taking a Risk!

Here we are, over the month and a half mark!

I am sorry I am late in posting this blog as generally I post in the mornings on wednesday, but after a long few days of rain today we finally had BEAUTIFUL SUN SHINEY WEATHER HERE! 

Which meant that I had to go DO furniture deliveries, had people coming to pick UP furniture AND ...went and bought some bikes for the family!

So I spent almost the whole day in the car, but for a good cause.  I am envisioning being able to ride my bike to work once a week and outings with the little ones for bike trail picnics at the park. 

Hopefully they will be as fun as I remember them being growing up!  Although, so far I have managed to ride mine all of 2.5 feet and have a giant bruise and my chain fell off the gears.  Not the best start.  But, I will persevere!

Speaking of not the best, weekly weigh in time.

Weight:  184.  

So far I have lost 11 lbs in 6 weeks.   Almost 2 lbs/wk average!  Right on track. (Over 23 lbs lighter than when I got pregnant with my daughter!)

Down ONE pound this week.  Which isn't slam bam amazing, but also doesn't exactly suck either.  I am patient.  As long as the number is going in the right direction I am not going to complain.  I have been getting so many compliments and my rings and clothing are really starting to have that "these aren't my clothers/rings, they are the wrong size" feel and I am loving that.

I am also feeling better over all, even though it has been a rough few weeks dealing with issues with my son's school and family stress etc.

So, wish me happy trails and I will try to post some more goodies tomorrow!  I will be out sweatin my buns off, literally, painting!

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