Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tough One -You MUST Eat Your Chocolate!!!

CHOCOLATE!  Finally, I get to write about one of my great loves that is NOT denied to me!

Dark chocolate has HEALTH BENEFITS!  New research shows that it improves cardiovascular function and can even BOOST insulin sensitivity! (A key component of  Type 2 Diabetes is the body's desensitization to insulin).  So, eat more chocolate to beat Diabetes?  Maybe, if you choose the right kind in the RIGHT PORTION SIZES.

I LOVE my Ghirardelli  Intense Dark Twilight Delight 72% CaCaao chocolate.  And you can buy it, in bulk (chortle!) on Amazon!


I have tried other brands and higher Cacao contents and I just cannot eat, let alone enjoy them.  This is a good compromise for someone who wants the health benefits of dark chocolate but enjoys a sweeter less bitter experience.

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