Saturday, March 15, 2014

Big Bold Breakfast! Start your day right.

I LOVE BREAKFAST!  Do NOT try to tell me to eat wheata shreds or crappy crisps with nonfat milk.  I won't do it!

I LOVE BREAKFAST!  And it sets your up for a great rest of the day.

When I am short on time, I have a whole wheat double fiber english muffin, toasted with a bit of cream cheese or peanutbutter and a sprinkle of chia seeds.  If time allows, I add a yoplait light yogurt.

When I have a spare few minutes, I make a delicious breakfast burrito as pictured above.  I use one regular egg and scramble it with some egg substitute and a splash of milk.  I cook it using just nonstick spray.  I use a La Tortilla factory whole wheat low carb soft taco sized tortilla and a ton of salsa.  That is the simple version!  For the extra indulgent burrito pictured here, I sauteed some lunch meat ham and red onions first, then also added a pickled jalapeno sliced.  They are SO full of flavor for practically ZERO calories!  SO MUCH TASTE!

This burrito is UNDER 300 CALORIES!  And it will fill you up.  As an added bonus, spicy foods are supposed to amp up your metabolism!  WOOT!  WINNING!


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