Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy Easter Healthies!

Sorry I am a day late!  Partly because I have nothing positive to report from the scale - I gained a pound.  But also partly because I have been insanely busy. 

My son recently changed schools and his new school just had a performance night and is currently on spring break.  So, the corndogs and hot pockets have been flying.

I have still been eating healthier than I would have before starting this journey, but I am guessing that the sodium and stress are showing on the scale.

After Easter, things should calm back down so I can recommit!

I have also been directing a lot of energy to my Maple Marmalade Boutique business, which can sometimes cause me to skip meals or have to eat something on the fly.

Happy Easter everyone!!!  See you on the other side!!!

PS that picture is of an amazing Indina dish using ground turkey and an eggplant dish!  I will post the recipes after the break!

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