Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dinner Frenzy!

Cookin' like a mad woman!  If you find you don't have time to cook elaborate dinners all week, cook ahead!  I went on a spree not because of future time constraints but honestly...because I was too lazy to separate and freeze the ground turkey I bought.   So...I just used it!
In the front right pot I browned the turkey with salt and pepper, shredded carrot and zucchini with onions for a slow cooking tomato sauce I will use for eggplant parmesean later in the week.  After I cooked and divided the meat mix, I added mushrooms, garlic salt, italian seasoning, basil, a can of diced tomatoes and a can of tomato sauce and covered it to simmer for an hour on low.
In the back left pot I have garlic, more onion, a couple of cans of diced tomato, a can of white and dark kidney beans drained and rinsed and chili powder to which I added the meat mixture and simmered for an hour.
In the back right skillet I have the juice from two limes, a couple of spoon fulls of diced tomatoes, garlic and finely chopped jalapenos.  I added the meat mix and cooked it until browned.  This will be meat mix for burritos later.   I also browned turkey bacon in a pot then added two drained rinsed cans of black beans and a few tablespoons of milk and shredded cheddar cheese, cooked them and mashed them with a potato masher for the same meal. 
In the front right I have Quinoa that I cooked in chicken stock with a can of diced tomatoes in juice.  I added a little diced jalapeno, meat mix, a squeeze of lime and this was the mix I used to stuff my bell peppers.   I halved and seeded the peppers then blanched them for a minute or two in hot water, then stuffed them.   I topped it with a bit of the slow cooking spaghetti sauce and cheese then baked them at 400 for about 20 minutes.
4 Dinners in about an hour.  Now, I can relax!

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