Friday, March 7, 2014

Oof! Its Friday Folks!

So, I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues, Journal.  8)

I cleaned and organized my son's whole bedroom and made him a new chart that allows him to do chores to earn money and adopted a new, less stressful paeenting style.  It has lowered my stress level and my son seems to be responding well to it.  I think he has been struggling with his mom being more active aka away from him and doing her own thing.  Also, it has been an adjustment for him to adapt to the new healthier eating we have been doing.  

So, hopefully,  the new schedule and age appropriate incentives will help everyone adjust.

When you get healthy in one area of your life, you get motivated to be healthy in other ways!

So, I have been busy.   I have been eating well, but neglecting my work outs.

But I am back!!!  Its a friday, and I am bustin my hump!

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