Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tough One -You MUST Eat Your Chocolate!!!

CHOCOLATE!  Finally, I get to write about one of my great loves that is NOT denied to me!

Dark chocolate has HEALTH BENEFITS!  New research shows that it improves cardiovascular function and can even BOOST insulin sensitivity! (A key component of  Type 2 Diabetes is the body's desensitization to insulin).  So, eat more chocolate to beat Diabetes?  Maybe, if you choose the right kind in the RIGHT PORTION SIZES.

I LOVE my Ghirardelli  Intense Dark Twilight Delight 72% CaCaao chocolate.  And you can buy it, in bulk (chortle!) on Amazon!


I have tried other brands and higher Cacao contents and I just cannot eat, let alone enjoy them.  This is a good compromise for someone who wants the health benefits of dark chocolate but enjoys a sweeter less bitter experience.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Yummy Addictive Snack Alert!

Ok, aside from my  cucumber, red wine vinegar and salt addiction and my recently discovered love of thin sliced raw beets...I am HIGHLY skeptical when someone says a raw plain vegetable is a "tasty" or satisfying snack.

But these...ARE.

I was going to take a picture of this bag when it was fuller, but I eated them.

Seriously I washed them, chopped off the top and ate them one sweet crunchy pepper at a time.


Week 5 - Stayin Alive!

Its been crazy times, my friends!!!

I've had insane work obligations, struggles with my son's filthy negligent pure evil school and I have been going BONKERS on furniture (see previous post about getting an active hobby).

Through it all I have struggled, but managed to keep my eating mostly ok track.  I have NOT gotten in gym time, but I have logged many many sweaty painting sanding waxing back breaking hours of physical labor, so I am ok with that.


Down 2 lbs!!!

I am 185.  Its an amazing moment when your actual weight matches the weight on your drivers license.  Am I right ladies???

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Coconut Oil? HUH?

I had NEVER heard of such a thing!  But when I read how BAD hydrogenated vegetable oils are for you, I decided to give it a go.
I switched from margerine to butter and vegetable oil to cocount.
When I opened the jar it smelled ever so mildly of cococunt.  So far I have used to to cook scrambled eggs, zucchini and salmon burgers.  It has virtually no flavor and browns food nicely!
It is pricey.  This jar was about $6.50.  But, since I am not eating much fat nowadays, I can splurge on the fats I do eat!
It is solid with a consistency much like butter or shortening, and it dissolves easily into a liquid when heated.  It requires no refrigeration and should be stored in a cool dark place.
So far, I am a fan!

Want more info on vegetable oils?  Click he re you doubting Mustafa! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Yummy Burgers for Summer!

Fiending for a delicious burger?  Me too!

Guess what I found at my local Costco?  Salmon burgers!  These are low in calories and full of healthy omega fatty acids and such.  And...delicious.

I cook them on my indoor grill or in a pan with a smidge of coconut oil.

I add salt and lemon pepper and squeeze lemon over the top.  If I am eating them on a whole wheat bun (I usually do so open face) I make my own "tartar sauce" with a LITTLE mayo and a ton of chopped onions and relish and lemon juice and or vinegar and minced a little goes a long way and adds some crunch.

Top with sprouts and pickles, tomatoes and onions or arugala...whatever you like!  Or eat them plain with lots of lemon.  They are an actual salmon patty...not chopped bits with bread and filler.  So yummy!

Missing Potato Chips? DON'T!

I was needing a salty vinegary fix...I was missing my favorite salt and vinegar chips.
Desperately searching for a solution, I came up with cucumber chips (kale chips are also good but I had no kale on hand).
Simply slice a cucumber thin, sprinkle it with red wine vinegar and add salt liberally then GO TO TOWN guilt free!
I think I and ate like three cucumbers.  Also- you can make this at ANY salad bar or ask for it in almost any restaurant!
I added pepper to the ones in the picture, but I think I prefer it simple with just salt.  Try adding dill or?!?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week Four - Out the Door!!!

Ah well, it was bound to happen.  Considering I attended two kids birthday parties this week and ate my way theough St Paddy's day corned beef...and through coincidence didn't get to the gym despite my best efforts...I didn't lose any weight.  On the flip side, I didn't gain any either!

Don't worry folks, I am still on board.  Its not even a bad idea to plateau ever now and then to give your body a rest.

I still feel good...and here's looking forward to next weeks results!

Weight: 187

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Big Bold Breakfast! Start your day right.

I LOVE BREAKFAST!  Do NOT try to tell me to eat wheata shreds or crappy crisps with nonfat milk.  I won't do it!

I LOVE BREAKFAST!  And it sets your up for a great rest of the day.

When I am short on time, I have a whole wheat double fiber english muffin, toasted with a bit of cream cheese or peanutbutter and a sprinkle of chia seeds.  If time allows, I add a yoplait light yogurt.

When I have a spare few minutes, I make a delicious breakfast burrito as pictured above.  I use one regular egg and scramble it with some egg substitute and a splash of milk.  I cook it using just nonstick spray.  I use a La Tortilla factory whole wheat low carb soft taco sized tortilla and a ton of salsa.  That is the simple version!  For the extra indulgent burrito pictured here, I sauteed some lunch meat ham and red onions first, then also added a pickled jalapeno sliced.  They are SO full of flavor for practically ZERO calories!  SO MUCH TASTE!

This burrito is UNDER 300 CALORIES!  And it will fill you up.  As an added bonus, spicy foods are supposed to amp up your metabolism!  WOOT!  WINNING!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Guilt Free Summer Treat!

If you are trying to watch you calories during Summer, you definitely face some challenges.  Think gooey ice cream sandwiches, sugary sweet iced tea and loads of macaroni salad!  But there are also a wealth of HEALTHY advantages that summer provides.

Grilling is such an easy and delicious way to cook both proteines and vegetables in a tasty and yet healthy way!  Grilled chicken, shishkebabas, zucchini,  portabello mushrooms...I could go on all day!  Turkey burgers, salmon burgers, salmon...teriyaki glazed or with a little bbq mouth is already watering!

Add to that the plethora of in season fruits and vegetables at their prime, and summer time is GOOD EATS time!

But, you can still miss those cold sweet treats.

Give these ideas a try!

Check out fudgesicles.  Even the standard sugar varieties tend to be relatively low calorie compared to ice cream or even juice bars.

Freeze your OWN juice bars...with low sugar juices or with water added.   Add bits of fresh summer fruit or fresh chopped mint!

If you need a GUILT FREE TREAT try a NO calorie version of a snow cone.  I take crushed ice from my freezer (you may have to buy crushed ice or buy an ice crusher if your fridge doesn't have one).  I squirt on a healthy dose of Strawberry Watermellon Miio.   Viola!  Delicious and totally guilt free.

You are welcome!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Week Three to a Healthier Me!

I did my weekly weigh in this morning, and I am down to 187!  Two more pounds gone! 

If I keep this pace, I will be in the 170s by mid April!

Feeling pretty good.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Momentous Occasion!

Only my fellow fatties will understand the joy of this.   Realize that I only thought to film this after doing it for about 20 minutes, so my finger actually swelled a little.   Obsess much?  Yes.   I have to take my joy and encouragment where I can find it.

This is my old ring that I thought I would have to have sized up if I ever wanted to wear it again because it barely fit at all.  Now, it almost falls off.   I will have to size it down if I ever want to wear it again!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Nom Nom Yummy Kale!

Get your nosh on!
One way I make sure I GET full and STAY full at meals is hy having at least one tasty almost guilt free item that I can eat my fill of.  My son loves Kale Chips, and I will post about those next time I make them, but here I have for you MY favorite way to enjoy kale.

Tomatoe Garlic Kale

You will need:
Kale (A big bag or a few bunches)
A few pieces of turkey bacon
Boullion or Better then Boullion or Stock
Can of Tomatoes
Red Onion

Chop up a few pieces of turkey bacon and brown them in a pot.
Once they are browned add a can of diced tomatoes, a can of water and a couple ofntsp of better than boullion or replace the can of water with a cup or two of chicken broth.  Add chopped garlic to taste.
Add a full bag of kale.  If you are using bunched kale, rinse it, remove large ribs and chop it before adding.  Cover it and simmer at least 25 min.
Serve and ENJOY!

Friday, March 7, 2014


The key to staying active is to not make it ALL feel like WORK.  Find something that you honestly ENJOY that keeps you moving.

Have you tried:

Fun Runs
Dance Class
Volunteering - Habitat for Humanities etc
White Water Rafting
Dancing in your room

ANYTHING that gets you moving is GOOD!

Pick a night to go to the club with your friends and break a sweat on the dance floor!  Just make smart beverage choices (Rum and diet coke? or Stick with water!)

Here is what I enjoy:


If you want to see more, check out my web site:

Maple Marmalade Boutique

I SWEAT MY BUNS OFF sanding, stirring, painting, waxing and buffing as well as hauling heavy furniture around.  I really, really LOVE it...and it gets me moving!

Find YOUR joy!


Coffee has health benefits.   Yup.  I don't really care what they are.  I just know it is delicious and thank goodness there is something delicious that is GOOD for you!

It gives me energy in the morning and at night I can have a yummy tasting decaf that FEELS like a desert.  Try a flavored version like chocolate macadamia nut!!!

Ok, so some of you like REAL info.  Its loaded LOADED with antioxidants!  It makes you smarter!  It burns fat!  (Seriously, with how much coffee I drink, why am I not a toothpick by now?!?)  It reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes!

Don't believe me?  Check the info HERE YOU COFFEE HATING FREAK!


Oof! Its Friday Folks!

So, I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues, Journal.  8)

I cleaned and organized my son's whole bedroom and made him a new chart that allows him to do chores to earn money and adopted a new, less stressful paeenting style.  It has lowered my stress level and my son seems to be responding well to it.  I think he has been struggling with his mom being more active aka away from him and doing her own thing.  Also, it has been an adjustment for him to adapt to the new healthier eating we have been doing.  

So, hopefully,  the new schedule and age appropriate incentives will help everyone adjust.

When you get healthy in one area of your life, you get motivated to be healthy in other ways!

So, I have been busy.   I have been eating well, but neglecting my work outs.

But I am back!!!  Its a friday, and I am bustin my hump!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Week Two - Goodbye to You!

So, I did my weigh in today.   I was a little disappointed as I have only lost one pound this week.   I am now 189. 

I am happy to be in the 190s, but was hoping for a little more than one pound.

I am reminding myself that my GOAL is 1 to 2 lbs a week, and even if it comes off slow, it IS coming off.

I will persevere!!! 

More to come later.  8)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mud Run! Get Diiiirty!

The name Mud Run is deceptive.  Many people mud walk.   Or mud amble.  At least in the mud runs I have done!  Choose FUN runs to start with.  My first was Foam Fest 2013. 

Mud/Fun runs are awesome because they motivate you to work out BEFORE the run, and they provide a fun nurturing atmosphere where people will laugh WITH you if you struggle, instead of at you. 

Its ok to finish last, just finish.  It will be challenging.   It will test your will power.  But uts a GREAT workout out and blood and sweat aside, not a bad way to spend a day!

Some mud runs allow kids and costumes!

And when your fitness level increases, you can enter the realm of SERIOUS mus racing with timed mud runs and more challenging courses that will test the mettle of even the most seasoned athlete.

Find one in YOUR area NOW!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dinner Frenzy!

Cookin' like a mad woman!  If you find you don't have time to cook elaborate dinners all week, cook ahead!  I went on a spree not because of future time constraints but honestly...because I was too lazy to separate and freeze the ground turkey I bought.   So...I just used it!
In the front right pot I browned the turkey with salt and pepper, shredded carrot and zucchini with onions for a slow cooking tomato sauce I will use for eggplant parmesean later in the week.  After I cooked and divided the meat mix, I added mushrooms, garlic salt, italian seasoning, basil, a can of diced tomatoes and a can of tomato sauce and covered it to simmer for an hour on low.
In the back left pot I have garlic, more onion, a couple of cans of diced tomato, a can of white and dark kidney beans drained and rinsed and chili powder to which I added the meat mixture and simmered for an hour.
In the back right skillet I have the juice from two limes, a couple of spoon fulls of diced tomatoes, garlic and finely chopped jalapenos.  I added the meat mix and cooked it until browned.  This will be meat mix for burritos later.   I also browned turkey bacon in a pot then added two drained rinsed cans of black beans and a few tablespoons of milk and shredded cheddar cheese, cooked them and mashed them with a potato masher for the same meal. 
In the front right I have Quinoa that I cooked in chicken stock with a can of diced tomatoes in juice.  I added a little diced jalapeno, meat mix, a squeeze of lime and this was the mix I used to stuff my bell peppers.   I halved and seeded the peppers then blanched them for a minute or two in hot water, then stuffed them.   I topped it with a bit of the slow cooking spaghetti sauce and cheese then baked them at 400 for about 20 minutes.
4 Dinners in about an hour.  Now, I can relax!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ginger is Grate!

Ginger is amazing! 

Nooo, not you!  I'm sure you are wonderful and all and I just want to pinch those freckled cheeks right off of you, but NO.
Again, adorable, but NO!
Yes!!! That's the stuff!  Ginger has long been loved for its medicinal qualities, but did you know it is also delicious?  I use grated ginger in muffins and baked goods, soups, meat marinades, teas, stir frys...

It adds amazing flavor with virtually no calories!  If you need a BETTER reason to try ginger, it has been said that it stimulates everything from metabolism to sexual prowess.  More notably, it is a powerful antioxidant and makes your guts happy.  It has anti nausea and anti inflamatory powers and protects againt butt cancer!  Seriously.  Who wants butt cancer?  

The other thing I love about Ginger is how cheap and easy it is to keep fresh ginger on hand (although powdered is great too).

Buy ginger fresh in the produce section, peel it and keep it in a freezer bag in the freezer.  It will stay good virtually forever and grates SUPER easy when it is frozen.  I use a standard box grater to grate mine.

Ginger.  Not just my sister anymore. 

Ginger Carrot Banana Walnut Whole Wheat Muffins

You are GOING to eat sweet treats sometimes.  And, if you are me, you are going to bake.  Because you love to.   So, might as well bake these!  
These tasty temptations are whole wheat, so they contain complex carbs instead of simple refined carbs (meaning the carbs are absorbed more slowly, minimizing blood sugar spikes which contribute to insulin resistance).  I DO currently use white sugar but will soon be experimenting with NATURAL sugar substitutes.  You can use Splenda if you believe in it.   Cancer scares me, so I no longer use it.
These are also a great way to trick your kids into eating fruits AND vegetables AND whole grains all in one evilly good concoction.   Buahaha, buahaha.
I have used 3 ripe bananas to replace most of the oil and sugar in the original recipe.  You could go even further and substitute some egg substitute for one or two of the whole eggs.

Carrot Ginger Banana Nut Muffins
3 carrots, grated
1 c of nuts, chopped
1 tbsp ground ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp of salt
2 cups of whole wheat flour
3 eggs
1/2 cups of sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 c vegetable oil
lemon zest
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp grated fresh ginger
Any combo of spices you enjoy.  I add some pumpkin pie spice and allspice.
3 ripe bananas, mashed

Preheat oven to 350.
Crack three eggs, add vanilla, lemon zest, grated fresh ginger and vegetable oil. Whisk, and set aside.
For the dry ingredients: Add flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, anything else you like and ground ginger. Mix.
Mash 3 ripe bananas and add them to the wet mix.
Grate 3 carrots and mix the dry, wet, and carrot mixture in one large bowl.
Chop about a cup of pecans (or almonds, or walnuts). Add to muffin batter.
Spray non stick cooking spray onto your muffin tin or use muffin tin liners (I prefer using liners) and bake those little monkeys!
Stick a toothpick into the middle of the muffins about 25 minutes into baking them. If the toothpick comes out clean, they are donesville. If not, leave em in for five more minutes.
YES - I mainly made these to show off my new oddly alien-erotic Kitchenaid stand mixer.  I am in absolute lovelust with this powerful piece of kitchen equipment.  Like a thrumming mechanical dolphin, I cannot stop stroking its sleek head...

I will stop now, because I am making you vaguely uncomfortable.  Talking about it I mean.  The stroking I cannot stop.