Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Here I was, so happy and hopeful to start out a life long love of the GYM!  BUAHAHAHAHAHA!  Look at my silly grin!  So adorably naive...

Here is what I have been doing:

Eating insanely healthy - I will start posting some more breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack ideas here to show you all what I have been eating.  Mostly I have been GORGING myself on veggies, eating a good amount of fresh fruit and lean protein, and a moderate amount of COMPLEX carbs and HEALTHY fats while avoiding or severely limiting PROCESSED/REFINED CARBS AND SUGARS!

That is all.  Sometimes I count calories, sometimes I don't bother because honestly I don't so much care. I do want to lose weight, but MORE importantly I want to be healthy and find a SUSTAINABLE lifestyle.  So, I count when I feel like it but generally just make sure that I am happy with what I am stuffing in my face.


I have been going to the Gym EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY - unless you are a stalker.  On Thursdays I paint - which is a work out in and of itself or at least an activity.  AND I also either go to the gym or do SOMETHING active on EITHER Friday or Saturday.

Mondays I do a short 10/15 minute warm up on cardio equipment and then work my legs, butt and core.

Wednesdays I do the same kind of warm up and then work my arms, back and core again.

Fridays I want to check out a Cycling class and if/when I feel like it or am lazy on Fridays, I want to check out a dance class on Saturdays.  Last weekend instead we went on a 3 mile long hike after playing at the park and having a healthy picnic.


Weight:  190 BOOM!

Starting weight:  195 Down to: 190 = TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS SO FAR 5 lbs.

DAMN GIRL - work it OUT!

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