Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chia Seeds?

Chia seed?  WHAT ARE CHIA SEEDS!?!

Besides actually being yummy (a lot like poppy seeds), chia seeds are a wonderfully healthy addition to your diet.  They are packed with nutrients and create a "slime" when they encounter liquid - very similar to Okra.  While that SOUNDS disgusting, the theory is that the "slime" helps you feel fuller faster and longer as well as slows the absorption of carbs/sugars leading to less insulin spikes.  This is of special importance to people with insulin resistance or diabetes.

Does it REALLY do all that?!?  I have no idea. I am not a nutritionist.  What I DO know is that they FEEL good for me and taste good.  If nothing else, they make me THINK about what I am putting in my body that day and FEEL like I have done something healthy - and sometimes that makes all of the difference in how I eat the rest of the day.

Here is a link that shows some of the health CLAIMS of Chia Seeds:
About Chia Seeds

I do NOT purchase from there myself.  I purchase my chia seeds here:
Bobs Read Mill Chia Seeds on Amazon

$30 may seem pricey, but you will use only a teaspoon or two of chia seeds a day even if you eat them every day.  This supply will last you close to a year even with every day use!

Some people put their chia seeds in water in the fridge to make a chia seed "jam".  I have NEVER tried that because it sounds DISGUSTING - but feel free to try it and let me know if I am wrong!

I generally sprinkle about a teaspoon of chia seeds on my whole wheat bagels with cream cheese when I have them a couple of times a week.  So, I do NOT eat them every day.

The ONLY draw back I have found is that they WILL stick in your teeth.  Be sure you BRUSH YOUR TEETH afterwards or you will have tiny black seeds in your teeth all day long.  Ugh.

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