Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Late Start!

So, here we are near the end of February and I have only just begun!  But, I have begun.  So, we will focus on the positive.

I started my two year gym membership with 24 hour fitness two weeks ago and then promptly fell ill with the plague or something that resembled it.  I was out of commission for a week or so.  It was extremely frustrating to finally have all of the pieces in place to really get started and then not be able to.  Last week, finally fully recovered, I started seriously monitoring my diet and going to the gym.  I went on Monday and did strength training for my arms and back and a little abs, and I also did a little bit of cardio.

I returned on Wednesday and afterwords documented the day on Facebook:

I have to say, I'm pretty proud of me today. My initial gym plans fell through - it would have been SO easy to get back in pjs and make some waffles. But instead, I got busy living!

I hit the gym alone. I did about 20 min total cardio mostly just to warm up...then I did a good solid 45+ min weight training...mostly legs and gluts and a lol arms and abs (since I did arms and back Monday w some

I read how to use the machines and watched other people.

A woman even talked to me! A gym rat pro lookin gal! And complimented my head band (thanks Kim Stein!).

AND as icing on the cake...I watched a woman load plates on a bar...and then ASKED her if I could borrow her bar between reps. And I did squats! And, looked closer at the plates ...and now, I know how to load a bar!!!

My only minor fail was trying to use one of those step up platforms. My balance isn't great because of my ear drum to begin with, but especially right now with it ruptured. I didn't fall or anything, but I had to abandon it. But that made me so mad and determined I asked to use the woman's bar, so STILL a win!


 So- the gym so far has been going great! 

On Friday we went to the park and had a healthy picnic and then walked almost 3 miles.

We are off to a late, but good start my Friends.

And, as must be done, we need to document out starting point!

Waist: 39"
Arm: 13"
Hips: 43"
Bust: 43"



I think I will update these stats once per month - except my weight, which I will be recording weekly.

Stay Tuned Guys!!!

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