Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cabbage - A whole new World! BAKE IT?!?

I have to admit, I already liked cabbage.  Super juicy and floppy and salty adn steamy with a soft sweetness...what's not to like?  BUT - even if you are not already a cabbage lover, this recipe will change your mind.
I saw it - and I was skeptical despite my love of cabbage.  I thought it looked like a lot of fuss for nothing.
And as I made it, I thought exactly the same thing - WHY am I bothering? This is a mess.  And weird.  And its never going to work.  And I admit, my results looked NOTHING so neat and presentable as the recipe image, but one bite had me SOLD.
This baked cabbage steak turns out CRISPY and smoky tasting around the edges, with a juicy tender center like the cabbage I have always known and loved.  PLEASE take the time to try this, even if it is only one.  It is a great way to add bulk to your meal without breaking your calorie budget!
Here's how you create this amazing twist on an old standard:
1 Head of Cabbage
1 Jar Chopped Garlic (Or cloves, and you do the work!)
1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
Salt and Pepper
Cut your cabbage from stem to stern, leaving the stem in place to hold the leaves together, in about 1" thick slices.
Brush each side with a little bit of oil (INVEST IN A RUBBER PASTRY BRUSH!  I use mine for this and oiling other vegetables for grilling or roasting, as well as to oil my contact grill for grilling and for coasting a skillet to cook eggs - this way you don't end up with a grease puddle to boil your fresh healthy food in!).
Rub each side with chopped or crushed garlic.  Sprinkle each side with salt and pepper.
Place cabbage steaks on a cookie sheet and cook in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  Flip them and roast for up to an additional 30 minutes - until the edges are browned and crispy.  It CARAMELIZES some of the sugars in the cabbage and makes it absolutely insanely delicious!

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