Thursday, February 27, 2014

Get Active! Healthy Park Picnic

These smiles are my motivation!  Ignore the Cheetos, I ate nary a one.  I took PB and J for the kids along with reduced sugar Capri Suns and home made whole wheat banana carrot ginger walnut muffins.  YES I will post the recipe later!  For myself, I brought left over grilled shishkebabs and happily ate them cold.

After letting the kids play, I dragged them on a 3 mile walk to a lake where we meant to feed the ducks, but mainly just dodged aggressive screaming sea gulls.  They still loved it.

Get outside!  Instead of parking it on the couch...pick a day to park it at the park! 

If you don't have kids of your own to run you ragged, borrow some from a friend.  As an added bonus they will OWE you one for giving them a break.   And theres no cuter drill sergeant than an impatient toddler screetching at you to push them, take them off the swing, help them down the slide NO THEY WONT GO DOWN come up and GET THEM chase them away from the street GET MY JUICE pick me up....aaaaarrrrrggggghhhh.  They will WORK your muscles.  And your nerves.

La Tortilla Factory Whole Wheat Low Carb Tortillas

Yes! Yes! Yes! A low calorie, healthy tortilla that doesn't taste like cardboard!!! I promise!
They are a little not tortillaish.  They taste more like a slightly doughy flatbread, but a delicious one!
Perfect for tortillas, fajitas, breakfast burritos, sandwich wraps...and I'm going to try them baked crispy w salt or cinnamon sugar!
Did I mention...these are not only low carb and whole wheat...they are only 50 calories each!!!  Compared to 100+ calories per SLICE of whole wheat bread or 130 calories for a regular whole wheat taco sized adds up fast! And they taste amazing!
If you are using them for a taco/burrito situation warm them up in a skillet over medium heat for a minute or two on each side to warm them, but they are already pretty sturdy and pliable. 
Try them...and you are welcome, in advance!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Here I was, so happy and hopeful to start out a life long love of the GYM!  BUAHAHAHAHAHA!  Look at my silly grin!  So adorably naive...

Here is what I have been doing:

Eating insanely healthy - I will start posting some more breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack ideas here to show you all what I have been eating.  Mostly I have been GORGING myself on veggies, eating a good amount of fresh fruit and lean protein, and a moderate amount of COMPLEX carbs and HEALTHY fats while avoiding or severely limiting PROCESSED/REFINED CARBS AND SUGARS!

That is all.  Sometimes I count calories, sometimes I don't bother because honestly I don't so much care. I do want to lose weight, but MORE importantly I want to be healthy and find a SUSTAINABLE lifestyle.  So, I count when I feel like it but generally just make sure that I am happy with what I am stuffing in my face.


I have been going to the Gym EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY - unless you are a stalker.  On Thursdays I paint - which is a work out in and of itself or at least an activity.  AND I also either go to the gym or do SOMETHING active on EITHER Friday or Saturday.

Mondays I do a short 10/15 minute warm up on cardio equipment and then work my legs, butt and core.

Wednesdays I do the same kind of warm up and then work my arms, back and core again.

Fridays I want to check out a Cycling class and if/when I feel like it or am lazy on Fridays, I want to check out a dance class on Saturdays.  Last weekend instead we went on a 3 mile long hike after playing at the park and having a healthy picnic.


Weight:  190 BOOM!

Starting weight:  195 Down to: 190 = TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS SO FAR 5 lbs.

DAMN GIRL - work it OUT!

Indoor Contact Grill - I Love You SO!

I have become a grilling addict - the more it rains, the more I defy all logic and crank up the grill!

Grilling imparts a GREAT flavor to your food and cooks it without a ton of additional calories.  AND it switches up the monotony of baked chicken breasts and steamed veggies!  I'm a variety kind of gal!

THIS - is my dream grill.  The Mecca of my grilling madness.  The Cherry on my shishkebab sunday. get the idea.  I WANTSIES!

You can get one here on Amazon:  I HATE YOU IF YOU GET ONE BEFORE ME!


It is...dreamy.  Mmmm.

OK - so, right now I am using an indoor contact grill that is less than ideal.  I myself have yet to have a problem with it, but it is not a well rated machine.  I DO know that it uses so much energy that it trips the breaker in my vintage home if I use it while the lights are on.  BLINK.  Regardless - I love it, even if I must do it by candlelight.

PLEASE get one if you can - even if you have to get a less expensive version ( I won't lie, I snagged mine at Goodwill for a whopping $8.00).  Even the Griddler shown above comes in a less bells and whistles version that is more economical.  The Griddler pictured works as a grill, open planchette grill, panini press, top melt and I think it irons your husbands shirts.  Well, maybe not, but it should.

Mine is ONLY a grill, and for now that suits me just fine.


Turkey Burgers
Salmon Burgers (I will be writing a WHOLE article about these - from Costco - AMAZING)
Chicken, lean steak or shrimp Shishkebabs
Chicken or lean steak for Tacos/Burritos
Chicken and Vegetables for Fajitas
Grilled Zucchini
Grilled Asparagas
Grilled Fish: Salmon, Steel Head Trout and Tilapia
Grilled mushrooms
I have HEARD Grilled Endive is good - I will test it out and let you know!
Grilled Marinated Chicken, Shrimp or lean beef/pork
Grilled Portobello Mushrooms - as a side or to replace a burger!

And - think of the dessert possibilities too!
Grilled Pineapple
Grilled Peaches


I am having SO much fun finding new things to shove in my grill.  POW!  Give me some ideas to test out!

Cabbage - A whole new World! BAKE IT?!?

I have to admit, I already liked cabbage.  Super juicy and floppy and salty adn steamy with a soft sweetness...what's not to like?  BUT - even if you are not already a cabbage lover, this recipe will change your mind.
I saw it - and I was skeptical despite my love of cabbage.  I thought it looked like a lot of fuss for nothing.
And as I made it, I thought exactly the same thing - WHY am I bothering? This is a mess.  And weird.  And its never going to work.  And I admit, my results looked NOTHING so neat and presentable as the recipe image, but one bite had me SOLD.
This baked cabbage steak turns out CRISPY and smoky tasting around the edges, with a juicy tender center like the cabbage I have always known and loved.  PLEASE take the time to try this, even if it is only one.  It is a great way to add bulk to your meal without breaking your calorie budget!
Here's how you create this amazing twist on an old standard:
1 Head of Cabbage
1 Jar Chopped Garlic (Or cloves, and you do the work!)
1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
Salt and Pepper
Cut your cabbage from stem to stern, leaving the stem in place to hold the leaves together, in about 1" thick slices.
Brush each side with a little bit of oil (INVEST IN A RUBBER PASTRY BRUSH!  I use mine for this and oiling other vegetables for grilling or roasting, as well as to oil my contact grill for grilling and for coasting a skillet to cook eggs - this way you don't end up with a grease puddle to boil your fresh healthy food in!).
Rub each side with chopped or crushed garlic.  Sprinkle each side with salt and pepper.
Place cabbage steaks on a cookie sheet and cook in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  Flip them and roast for up to an additional 30 minutes - until the edges are browned and crispy.  It CARAMELIZES some of the sugars in the cabbage and makes it absolutely insanely delicious!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

SQUASH Bad Eating Habbits!

Acorn Squash - Live it!

So, I have recently discovered acorn squash.  It is ...amazingly tasty, very filling and easy to prepare.

This squash is one of the few fruits/vegetables that you can buy fresh and keep around until you are ready - I don't know the exact counter top life span, but I know that I have stuck them back with the garlic and forgotten about them for a couple of weeks, then prepared them and they were still perfect.  DON'T JUDGE ME!

To prepare them I generally just chop one in half from stem to stern and scoop out the seeds, pumpkin style.  I then place them cut side up on a cookie sheet and sprinkle them with whatever flavoring I want depending on what I am using them for.  To eat plain I will season them with just salt and pepper OR salt pepper and poultry seasoning or sage.  If I am using them to replace noodles (more on this in a moment), I will sprinkle them with garlic salt, pepper and italian seasoning or basil/oregano.  I then turn them cut side down, pierce the skins several times with a fork and pop them into a 400 degree oven for 40 minutes or so until they are steaming.  When you take them out of the oven, allow them to cool for a few minutes and the skin peels RIGHT off!  They can then be mashed like mashed potatoes or fork cut and eaten!

I often use them for myself in place of high-carb and low-nutrient pasta.  I prepare them as stated above with italian seasoning garlic salt and pepper, and then I lightly mash them and top them with spaghetti sauce just as you would pasta.  DELICIOUS!

These squash taste buttery and rich!  They have a mild pumpkin-y flavor that lends itself well to both savory and sweet dishes.

You can also roast them as described but without seasoning, then mash them with a little Brummel and Brown or your favorite butter/margarine or substitute and a sprinkling of brown sugar for a sweet treat!


Also, delicious but I don't like it AS much as acorn squash for regular pasta.  I like to cook it and add just a touch of Brummel and Brown or butter/margarine and plenty of fresh garlic for a pasta-like side dish.

You cook it very similarly to the acorn squash...cut it in half and roast it cut side down with any seasonings you wish.  You then use a fork to remove the strands.

Chia Seeds?

Chia seed?  WHAT ARE CHIA SEEDS!?!

Besides actually being yummy (a lot like poppy seeds), chia seeds are a wonderfully healthy addition to your diet.  They are packed with nutrients and create a "slime" when they encounter liquid - very similar to Okra.  While that SOUNDS disgusting, the theory is that the "slime" helps you feel fuller faster and longer as well as slows the absorption of carbs/sugars leading to less insulin spikes.  This is of special importance to people with insulin resistance or diabetes.

Does it REALLY do all that?!?  I have no idea. I am not a nutritionist.  What I DO know is that they FEEL good for me and taste good.  If nothing else, they make me THINK about what I am putting in my body that day and FEEL like I have done something healthy - and sometimes that makes all of the difference in how I eat the rest of the day.

Here is a link that shows some of the health CLAIMS of Chia Seeds:
About Chia Seeds

I do NOT purchase from there myself.  I purchase my chia seeds here:
Bobs Read Mill Chia Seeds on Amazon

$30 may seem pricey, but you will use only a teaspoon or two of chia seeds a day even if you eat them every day.  This supply will last you close to a year even with every day use!

Some people put their chia seeds in water in the fridge to make a chia seed "jam".  I have NEVER tried that because it sounds DISGUSTING - but feel free to try it and let me know if I am wrong!

I generally sprinkle about a teaspoon of chia seeds on my whole wheat bagels with cream cheese when I have them a couple of times a week.  So, I do NOT eat them every day.

The ONLY draw back I have found is that they WILL stick in your teeth.  Be sure you BRUSH YOUR TEETH afterwards or you will have tiny black seeds in your teeth all day long.  Ugh.


GET a spiralizer.

They are available on eBay for $12-20 each including shipping.  They are a kitchen device very similar in design to a pencil sharpener, but used on vegetables. It is very FUN - it makes arm-length long veggie noodles!

I use mine to make zucchini noodles to replace pasta for spaghetti.  NOTE:  They do release water, so either make a thicker sauce or allow the cooked zucchini noodles to drain in a strainer for quite a while before mixing them into your pasta sauce. 

I also use it on carrots to make crunchy carrot "noodles" to put on top of salads.  They add a really tasty crunch and are fun to eat.

I have also spiralized cucumbers to use to make "cold noodle" dishes.  I add a little sour cream, red wine vinegar, minced red onion salt and pepper and refrigerate it for a few hours.  Viola, cold yummy "noodle" salad.  It would probably be amazing with a Thai sauce and ground peanuts as well - play and explore!

Using the spiralizer will leave you with a center "core" piece of whatever vegetable you spiralize.  I put these cores into a freezer bag and keep them in the freezer to use to make stock or in blendable vegetable soups (Like butternut squash soup) or to chop into pasta sauces or stews.

This is an inexpensive, FUN gadget that allows you to use vegetables in place of pastas and also create yummy edible garnishes.  You CAN buy more expensive versions if you really fall in love with the idea, but I have found that this small hand held version is plenty for me!

This one is very similar to the one I purchased:

Please remember though, you can buy them less expensively on eBay! But if you don't have time to search around, that is a good one!

A Late Start!

So, here we are near the end of February and I have only just begun!  But, I have begun.  So, we will focus on the positive.

I started my two year gym membership with 24 hour fitness two weeks ago and then promptly fell ill with the plague or something that resembled it.  I was out of commission for a week or so.  It was extremely frustrating to finally have all of the pieces in place to really get started and then not be able to.  Last week, finally fully recovered, I started seriously monitoring my diet and going to the gym.  I went on Monday and did strength training for my arms and back and a little abs, and I also did a little bit of cardio.

I returned on Wednesday and afterwords documented the day on Facebook:

I have to say, I'm pretty proud of me today. My initial gym plans fell through - it would have been SO easy to get back in pjs and make some waffles. But instead, I got busy living!

I hit the gym alone. I did about 20 min total cardio mostly just to warm up...then I did a good solid 45+ min weight training...mostly legs and gluts and a lol arms and abs (since I did arms and back Monday w some

I read how to use the machines and watched other people.

A woman even talked to me! A gym rat pro lookin gal! And complimented my head band (thanks Kim Stein!).

AND as icing on the cake...I watched a woman load plates on a bar...and then ASKED her if I could borrow her bar between reps. And I did squats! And, looked closer at the plates ...and now, I know how to load a bar!!!

My only minor fail was trying to use one of those step up platforms. My balance isn't great because of my ear drum to begin with, but especially right now with it ruptured. I didn't fall or anything, but I had to abandon it. But that made me so mad and determined I asked to use the woman's bar, so STILL a win!


 So- the gym so far has been going great! 

On Friday we went to the park and had a healthy picnic and then walked almost 3 miles.

We are off to a late, but good start my Friends.

And, as must be done, we need to document out starting point!

Waist: 39"
Arm: 13"
Hips: 43"
Bust: 43"



I think I will update these stats once per month - except my weight, which I will be recording weekly.

Stay Tuned Guys!!!