Saturday, December 28, 2013

And so it begins...

Here we are about to enter 2014 and I will shortly be turning 35.  If I live to be 70, my life is half over and listening to the language of my body lately, I think it is safe to say that the first half was the easiest.  Its all downhill from here!

With that beings said, I will not go softly into that good night.

At 34 I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes while pregnant with my daughter.   This diagnosis meant that I had a 50% chance of developing type 2 diabetes within the next 5 years.  Lowering my weight by just 10% would significantly reduce my odds of developing diabetes.

I have struggled with my weight since puberty.  I came from a family where dinner generally consisted of a slab of meat with a big glob of starch and and a side of canned vegetables.  And gravy.  Lots of gravy.

I came from a large family with the typical working father and homemaker mother and four children.  We were all relatively active in sports and other extracurricular activities so fast food also factored into our lives quite often.

As I got older I became less active.  Cooking and eating replaced gymnastics and swimming as my favorite sports.  Food was love and love was food and food was delicious.  I celebrated every triumph with food.  I cushioned every defeat with food.  I fell in love with reality TV and role playing video games.  It was so much easier to play someone else's life than to fix my own!

Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes was revelatory.  It was the first tangible proof that my lifestyle would markedly decrease my life span.  I spent 6 months on a severely carb restricted diet injecting myself in the stomach two or three times a day just to keep myself and my baby healthy.  I lost weight during my pregnancy due to the restrictive diet and need to walk after every meal to control my blood sugars.

After having my daughter I splurged on pasta and baked goods and bread.   Oh how I had missed spaghetti and meatballs.  I missed the feeling of frosting melting on my tongue and the soft chew of sourdough fresh from the oven.  I gained back to my per-pregnancy weight in a matter of weeks.

About 6 months ago I was diagnosed with per-diabetes and hypertension.  I was in shock.  I have always been chubby but SURELY I could not be facing this kind of health crisis at 34 for just being a bit chubby.  I never considered myself FAT.  I realized that I needed to get serious about my health.  Fast.

Eventually I found a phone app called Noom (which I highly recommend).  It uses the principals of volumetric eating to help lose weight by eating healthy foods and increasing activity without starving yourself or severely restricting any one food group.  Basically it promotes health.  Healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices.

I have been Nooming for 6 months now with some success.

I am 5'5" with a goal weight of 145.

I started at 207.  I was down to 190 before the holidays, but thanks to turkey and stuffing and pecan pie I am back up to 191.  With the New Year fast approaching I am ready to recommit to living.

I have so many great recipes and hints and tips to share regarding my journey and diabetic eating and the path to a healthy lifestyle.  And I am learning more every step of the way.  I invite any and all to join me on my journey to a better second half of life.

I will be sharing information on products,  recipes, exercise ideas and tips and hints as well as motivation to help anyone else who would like to make 2014 the start of a better way of living.  Care to join me?